2. The Spartan Super

Date: 20 September 2022

The Spartan Super

The Spartan Super – 10K/25 Obstacles. There’s nothing mediocre about this middle distance race. The Spartan Super offers the ideal blend between distance and speed. Offering racers a true athletic test. If you consider yourself a more seasoned athlete determined to push beyond excuses, you just might have the mettle for a Spartan Super. Serving up 25 obstacles and 10K of rugged terrain, the Spartan Super spares no one. Developed as the second race in the Spartan Trifecta, the Super is where you prove to yourself you’ve got everything it takes to face the Beast.


If you’ve completed a Spartan Sprint or 10K+ on the road, you’re ready for Super. Here, trail running meets obstacles, with courses set in incredible locations around the world. The Super is the most demanding and fun 10K you’ll complete, anywhere.

Super obstacles are more difficult compared to shorter Spartan events, and with a distance of 10K (6.2 miles), you’ll need a pacing strategy. There are Super-specific obstacles to tackle, and elevation gain will often be more demanding.

Offering racers a true athletic test. Serving up 25+ Spartan Obstacles and 10K of rugged terrain, the Spartan Super spares no one. Developed as the second race in the Spartan Trifecta, the Super is where you prove to yourself you’ve got everything it takes to face the Beast.

Each Spartan event type features obstacles and obstacle modes unique to that racing level. In the Super, you’ll encounter unique Super obstacles such as Stairway to Sparta, new obstacles such as Bender and Twister, and new modes like heavier weights on Hercules Hoist, the Multi-Rig will be set up with pipes as well as rings, and Monkey Bars will have more difficult spacing.



The Spartan Super Obstacles:

8 Foot Box

Names: 8′ Box, 8 foot Box

Obstacle type: Multiple attempts

Description: This obstacle is a giant 8-foot tall wooden box with a rope along the wall. The flat surface at the top of the wall offers no grip, and therefore you need to use the rope to climb over. On the other side, you’ll find stairs to come back to the ground level.

Rules: You must climb over the 8-foot Box without using the support structure or straps, and the booster is available only for female runners. Failure to complete the obstacle leads to a 30 burpees penalty.



Cargo Net Climb

Names: Cargo Net Climb, A-Frame, Bridge

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: The Verticle Cargo Net Climb is a tall structure that the participant must climb over using the wobbly cargo net. This might be troubling if you are afraid of heights. However, way more menacing than dangerous, this obstacle will test your mental strength. On the other hand, it’s not all brides have a cargo net, and they can be made of wood.




Names: Adductor, Thigh Master

Obstacle type: Single attempt

Description: Very similar to the Spartan Gauntlet, this obstacle contains a row of hanging bags (comparable to punching bags). The difference is the participant must navigate through the Adductor without touching the ground. You’ll have to hold on to the bags using your thigh, legs, and arms. Hop on the series of bags and reach for the bell on the other side.

Rules: You have to traverse the obstacle without using the support structure, and you cannot touch the ground before hitting the bell.



Ape Hanger

Name: Ape Hanger

Obstacle type: Single attempt

Description: The Ape Hanger is a combination between the Rope Climb and the Monkey Bars. Above water the whole time, the participants have to climb a rope and reach for the bars. Also, at the end of these monkey bars, competitors need to ring the bell.

Rules: You can climb the obstacle by only using the rope. Once you are hanging from the bars, you are committed to that lane and cannot restart the obstacle. You cannot use your feet to ring the bell or to hold the bars above your head. You must stay under the bar the whole time and can not use the obstacle structure or side support. A 30 burpees punishment is given to all participants who fail the obstacle.




Name: The Armer

Obstacle type: Multiple attempts

Description: Very similar to the traditional Atlas Carry, the Armer consist of transporting a heavy concrete ball over a set distance. The cement sphere is connected to a chain, which is used as a handle to carry the weight.

Rules: The participant must carry the weight by using only the chain. If you fail to transport the Armer ball properly, you have to restart the obstacle or perform the 30 burpees penalty.



Atlas Carry

Names: Atlas Carry, Atlas Stone, Atlas Ball

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: The Atlas Carry is an obstacle that involves lifting and carrying a heavy concrete ball. The Atlas ball is picked up from point A and moved to point B. Once you reach point B, you put down the stone and perform 5 burpees. Finally, you carry back the Atlas to the starting point.

Rules: You’ll get a 30 burpees punishment if you are enabled to move the Atlas stone or don’t complete the 5 burpees correctly



Balance Obstacles

Names: Balance Beams, Slackline, Log Hop

Type of obstacle: Single attempt

Description: Participants must traverse the obstacle without using their arms or touching the ground to regain stability. The balance obstacles are usually a wooden beam or a slackline, but they can also be vertical logs where participants have to step from one to another.

Rules: You only have one chance to cross those obstacles, and consider committed to a lane once you leave the starting point.



Barbed Wire Crawl

Names: Barbed Wire Crawl, Low Crawl

Type of obstacle: Mandatory

Description: The Barbed Wire Crawl is where every runner gets covered with mud because they’ll be crawling in grass, dirt, rocks or water. Depending on the venue, you can also expect to crawl uphill or downhill. Don’t get caught in the barbed wire, and move as close as possible to the ground.

Rules: Participant gets disqualified if they skip the obstacle, or part of it by going over the wire. Also, you must carry all your personal belongings during the cawl obstacles. This means you can’t leave your hydration pack at the starting point.




Name: Beater

Type of obstacle: Single attempt

Description: The Beater is really similar to the monkey bar, and participants must navigate from one bar to another using their hands. The difference is the bars are pivoting like an egg beater, making it more difficult to keep your body steady.

Rules: You must reach the other side of the obstacle to ring the bell, by using only your hands and without touching the ground. If you use the side supports or your feet on the bars, you fail the obstacle and visit the burpees zone.




Name: Bender

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: The bender is a metal ladder inclined toward you, with the first bar located above your head. Your goal is to climb over and to the other side, without using the support structure or straps.

Rules: Participants must cross over the Bender by only using the ladder steps or complete the 30 burpees penalty.



Cargo Net Climb

Names: Cargo Net Climb, A-Frame, Bridge

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: The A-Frame (Cargo Net Climb) is a tall structure that the participant must climb over using the wobbly cargo net. The obstacle looks like a giant triangular bridge (A-Frame shape) and might be troubling if you are afraid of heights. However, way more menacing than dangerous, this obstacle will test your mental strength. On the other hand, it’s not all brides have a cargo net, and they can be made of wood.

Rules: Runners who are not willing to climb must perform the mandatory 30 burpees penalty.



Bucket Brigade

Names: Bucket Brigade, Bucket Carry

Type of obstacle: Mandatory

Description: The Bucket Brigade is one of the toughest obstacles during a Spartan race. You’ll have to carry a 5-litre bucket, filled with rocks over a designated course. Depending on the event location, the route could include hills. Also, participants may have to fill the bucket with gravel and carry the uncap heavy bucket (beware not to drop the bucket). On the other hand, some races have sealed buckets, with the right amount of gravel inside.

Rules: Participants who fail to return with a full bucket, must restart the obstacle or drop from the race. Carrying the bucket on your head or shoulders is prohibited for safety reasons.



Dunk Wall

Name: Dunk Wall

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: The Dunk Wall is not a difficult obstacle, but it will test your mind. Inside a giant pool of murky water, participants must submerge themselves completely to cross under the wall.

Rules: You can’t climb over or dive under the wall. If you are not willing to swim to the other side of the fence, you must pass by the burpees zone.




Names: Pancake Carry, Sandbag Carry, Log Carry, Farmers Carry, Jerry Can Carry, Deadball

Type of obstacle: Mandatory

Description: During a Spartan race you will encounter different obstacles that require carrying a heavy object over a prescribed distance. The most common is the sandbag carry and log carry. Participants must pick up the object from point A, and carry it to point B. During those obstacles, you can expect long hikes uphill.

Rules: The weight must be carried and not dragged through the terrain. Multiple loads carry, such as the farmer’s carry, must be taken at the same time. Failure to bring the object on the designated route, lead to disqualification from the race.



Fire Jump

Name: Fire Jump

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: When you reach the Fire Jump, you are 1 step away from the finish line. Runners must jump over the flame of the burning logs and strike a pose for the photographer.

Rules: Participants who are not able to jump over the fire, must perform the 30 mandatory burpees.




Names: Gauntlet, Gladiator Gauntlet

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: The Gladiator Gauntlet is the easiest obstacle you could find during a Spartan race. Participants must run through the hanging bags, which look like giant punching bags, to reach the other side of the Gauntlet. The obstacle could be inside a water puddle.

Rules: Participants not willing to run through the hangings bags, will get a 30 burpees penalty. Not sure it ever happen in the history of Spartan.



Name: Helix

Type of obstacle: Single attempt

Description: The Helix is a metallic structure shaped like a giant X. Participants must navigate on the side walls of the Helix by using their hands and feet. Different handholds and footholds are available but beware of the plexiglass blocking some of the possible grips. This obstacle seems like a metallic spine off of the Traverse Wall.

Rules: Participants must move through the obstacle without touching the ground or holding on to the top of the Helix. Once you left the starting point, you are committed to that lane and cannot re-start the obstacle. Ring the bell on the other side to indicate you completed the Helix.



Hercules Hoist

Name: Hercules Hoist

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: The Hercules Hoist is a strength obstacle that also requires lots of grips. A heavy sandbag is tied to a rope, which is fixed to a pulley, and the participant must pull the weight from the ground to the top.

Rules: Beware not to drop the weight and bring it back to the ground slowly, or you’ll receive a 30 burpees penalty. Also, you must lift the weight without moving away from the fence, and only use your arm to pull the rope. The only help you can get is from putting your feet on the barrier for leverage. But you can’t stand on the fence and use your body weight to lift the weight. On the other hand, some stadium events may have a “no feet on the fence” rule. At any moment you can change lanes and use another rope, by returning the weight to the ground in a controlled movement.



Wall Jump

Names: Wall Jump, Over Wall, 4’, 5’, 6’, 8’ Wall, Hurdles

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: During a Spartan race you are sure to encounter walls along the course. Actually, almost every races start with a 3’ wall jump to get into the starting box. During the run, the height of the walls may vary from 4 to 10 feet. To climb those obstacles, all participants must pull themselves to the top using their arms and legs.

Rules: You can’t use the support legs or the straps to climb over the wall, and the kicker is only available for female runners. If you’re not able to cross the barrier, you’ll have to perform the 30 mandatory burpees.



Inverted Wall

Names: Inverted Wall, Slanted wall

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: The inverted wall is not a typical wall to climb. This wooden wall is leaning toward the participant, forcing you to use all your energy to pull yourself over the top. If needed, you can get help from the 3 steps on the wall.

Rules: Participants must climb the wall without using the legs of the structure or the straps. If you fail to escalate properly over the obstacle, you catch a 30 burpees penalty.



Ladder Climb

Name: Ladder Climb

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: Very similar to the Rope Climb, participants are asked to climb until they reach the bell. Instead of a simple rope, this obstacle as a wobbly ladder made of rope with a very narrow foot fold, which makes it challenging to climb.

Rules: Like the Rope Climb, participants can change lanes if they prefer, but they must return to the ground in a controlled movement. The Ladder Climb is succeeded after you ring the bell and come back to the ground level.




Names: Pancake Carry, Sandbag Carry, Log Carry, Farmers Carry, Jerry Can Carry, Deadball

Type of obstacle: Mandatory

Description: During a Spartan race you will encounter different obstacles that require carrying a heavy object over a prescribed distance. The most common is the sandbag carry and log carry. Participants must pick up the object from point A, and carry it to point B. During those obstacles, you can expect long hikes uphill.

Rules: The weight must be carried and not dragged through the terrain. Multiple loads carry, such as the farmer’s carry, must be taken at the same time. Failure to bring the object on the designated route, lead to disqualification from the race.



Balance Obstacles

Names: Balance Beams, Slackline, Log Hop

Type of obstacle: Single attempt

Description: Participants must traverse the obstacle without using their arms or touching the ground to regain stability. The balance obstacles are usually a wooden beam or a slackline, but they can also be vertical logs where participants have to step from one to another.

Rules: You only have one chance to cross those obstacles, and consider committed to a lane once you leave the starting point.



Low Rider

Name: Low Rider

Type of obstacle: Single attempt

Description: Very similar to the Spartan Rig, the Low Rider challenged the participants to cruise through the obstacle by using the swinging ropes and footholds. A series of cables will be connected to a horizontal bar. A knot or a ring at the bottom of the rope will be used as a foothold.

Rules: Your feet cannot touch the ground, and you must stay under the obstacle structure. Once your feet leave the starting point, you are committed to that lane and must try to reach the other side. To complete the obstacle, you need to hit the bell on the other side.


Monkey Bars

Name: Monkey Bars

Type of obstacle: Single attempt

Description: Similar to the jungle gym at your local park, this obstacle is a series of horizontal bars. You must swing like a monkey from one bar to another, and reach the other side.

Rules: Participants must stay under the bars and only use their hands to complete the Monkey Bars. You need to ring the bell on the other side of the Monkey Bars. Once your feet leave the ground, you are committed to that lane, and you only have one chance to succeed in the obstacle. If your feet touch the ground or the bars above your head, or if you miss the bell, you’ll be heading to the burpees pit.



Olympus Wall

Name: Olympus Wall

Type of obstacle: Single attempt

Description: The Olympus Wall is one of the most creative obstacles at Spartan. Participants must navigate on a slanted wall to ring a bell on the opposite side. You’ll have the options to grab on to 3 different types of holds: holes, chains, and climbing grips. The Olympus Wall is challenging because the wooden wall will be slippery from all the mud.

Rules: Participants are not allowed to grab on the top of the wall or use their feet on the holds or ring the bell. Also, once you start moving on the Olympus Wall, you are committed to that lane. Failure to complete the obstacle leads to a 30 burpees penalty.




Names: Over Under Through, O-U-T

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: The O-U-T is a 3 parts obstacle that begins with climbing over a 5′ wall, crawling under a second wall, and finally passing through a window in the final structure.

Rules: Participant who is not able to navigate through the obstacle must perform the mandatory 30 burpees.



Tire Pull

Names: Tire Pull, Plate Drag

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: The tires or the plates are attached to a rope, and each one has its own lane. The participant must pull the weight toward them, using the cable. Once the loads reach the end of the path, you must drag them back to their starting point.

Rules: You’ll need to re-do the obstacle or catch a penalty if you fail to pull the tire or plate completely.



Rope Climb

Name: Rope Climb

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: Just like in gym class, this obstacle requires climbing along a rope to reach the top. However, the Spartan version of the rope climb is more challenging, because of the wet rope.

Rules: Participants can retry another rope if they don’t like their first choice. However, you can’t jump off the rope or change the rope halfway up. You must ascend the cable in a controlled manner and ring the bell with your hand only. Failure to succeed in the Rope Climb is a sure visit to the burpees zone visit.




Names: Pancake Carry, Sandbag Carry, Log Carry, Farmers Carry, Jerry Can Carry, Deadball

Type of obstacle: Mandatory

Description: During a Spartan race you will encounter different obstacles that require carrying a heavy object over a prescribed distance. The most common is the sandbag carry and log carry. Participants must pick up the object from point A, and carry it to point B. During those obstacles, you can expect long hikes uphill.

Rules: The weight must be carried and not dragged through the terrain. Multiple loads carry, such as the farmer’s carry, must be taken at the same time. Failure to bring the object on the designated route, lead to disqualification from the race.



Balance Obstacles

Names: Balance Beams, Slackline, Log Hop

Type of obstacle: Single attempt

Description: Participants must traverse the obstacle without using their arms or touching the ground to regain stability. The balance obstacles are usually a wooden beam or a slackline, but they can also be vertical logs where participants have to step from one to another.

Rules: You only have one chance to cross those obstacles, and consider committed to a lane once you leave the starting point.



Slip Wall

Name: Slip Wall

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: The Slip Wall is a giant 45-degree wall with a rope attached to the top. The wall will be slippery from all the mud, and therefore the cable will be a great help to climb. Once you reach the top of the wall, you must use your arm to pull yourself over.

Rules: Participants must stay within the obstacle boundaries, and failure to climb over the wall leads to a 30 burpees punishment.



Spartan Ladder

Name: Spartan Ladder

Type of obstacle: Single attempt

Description: The Spartan Ladder is a metallic structure shaped like a triangle. Participants must climb under the obstacle to reach the ridge of the ladder and ring the first bell. After, they have to go down the other side of the ladder and ring the last bell.

Rules: Once a participant has left the gourd he is committed to that lane and can’t touch the ground before ringing the second bell. You can’t climb above the ladder or use the side of the structure.


Spartan Rig

Names: Spartan Rig, Multi Rig

Type of obstacle: Single attempt

Description: The Spartan Rig is similar to the Monkey Bars; however, participants will have to use different types of grips to swing across the obstacle. The holds may vary from rings, ball, nunchuck, cargo net, horizontal bar, rope, etc. Some Spartan Rig may finish with a wall to climb over.



Spartan Sled

Name: Spartan Sled

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: During the Spartan Sled, participants are asked to drag a sled over a designated distance. The Sled is made of metal and contains a heavy sandbag. You must pull the sled using the rope while moving in a forward motion.

Rules: The sled must be dragged and not carried.



Spear Throw

Type of obstacle: Single attempt

Description: The Spear Throw is the most iconic obstacle in Spartan Race. A simple obstacle is yet very challenging. The goal is throwing a spear at a target. The target is a hale bale with a Spartan helmet. The spear is attached to a rope so the participant can retrieve the spear without having to walk to the target (which will be very dangerous).

Rules: The Spear Throw rule is simple; throw the spear and stick it into the target. If you miss the target or the spear is touching the ground, you are in for 30 burpees treat.



Stairway To Sparta

Name: Stairway to Sparta

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: The stairway to Sparta is an 8-foot wall with extra steps to climb at the top. Participants must pull themself over the first section and climb the rest using the wooden steps. Some variation is if the wall can be taller but with a rope available to climb the first section.




Names: Swim, Swimming, Deep Water Obstacle

Type of obstacle: Mandatory

Description: It’s unlikely to attend a Spartan Race that involves deep water obstacles, but some locations will include swimming over a certain distance.



Tarzan Swing

Names: Tarzan Swing, Rope Swing

Type of obstacle: Single attempt

Description: Participants are required to swing across a pool of water using a Tarzan rope.

Rules: Hold on to the rope only with your hands and your feet cannot touch the water.



Tire Flip

Name: Tire Flip

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: This obstacle consists of flipping a giant tractor tire. The tire is laying flat on the ground, and the participant must turn over the tire multiple time. This kind of obstacle is also seen in many strongmen competitions or CrossFit gyms.

Rules: Different tires will be available, and you can choose which one you want. But once you flip the tire, you are committed to that lane and must complete the obstacle using the same tire. Failure to perform the prescribed number of flips leads to a 30 burpees penalty.



Traverse Wall

Names: Traverse Wall, Z-Wall

Type of obstacle: Single attempt

Description: The Traverse Wall is a bouldering obstacle, where participants use their hands and feet to navigate through the wall. Along the wall, different 2×4 blocks can be used as footholds and handholds. A variation of this obstacle is called the Z-Wall because the wall is built in 3 parts, shaped like a Z. The Z-Wall is more difficult than the Travers Wall because the participants must switch between panels. The goal is to ring the bell on the end of the wall, but be careful of the slippery grips.




Name: Twister

Type of obstacle: Single attempt

Description: This obstacle is similar to the monkey bars, but the handles are length-wise and fixed to a rotating pole. When you grab a handle, the next one is slightly moving in place at about a 20-degree angle.

Rules: You must only use your hands to navigate under the bars. Which means you can’t use your foot or the support structure. The goal is to ring the bell on the other side without touching the ground. Once, your feet leave the starting platform, you are committed to that lane and must complete the obstacle.



Tyrolean Traverse

Name: Tyrolean Traverse

Type of obstacle: Single attempt

Description: The Tyrolean Traverse is an obstacle where participants must reach the other side by crawling along the rope. The rope is fixed between 2 anchor points. The Tyrolean Traverse may be above water, and only in this situation, participants are allowed to crawl on top of the rope. In both circumstances, you must ring the bell at the end of the obstacle. If the tyrolean is above water, there’s a good chance you’ll need to swim after ringing the bell.

Rules: You need to ring the bell without touching the ground or water underneath the rope. The only situation where your feet can touch the water is if you are crawling from above the tyrolean. Failure to succeed leads to a 30 burpees penalty.



Vertical Cargo Net

Name: Vertical Cargo Net, Vertical Cargo 2.0

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: The Vertical Cargo is a wall made of cargo nets. Participants must climb over the obstacle using the cargo net as a ladder. The Vertical Cargo 2.0 as an extra wooden platform to escalate before the actual cargo net wall.

Rules: You must climb the wall with only the help of the cargo net, and the obstacle support structure can’t be used. Participants can re-try the obstacle if they neglect to climb correctly.



Wall Jump

Names: Wall Jump, Over Wall, 4’, 5’, 6’, 8’ Wall, Hurdles

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: During a Spartan race you are sure to encounter walls along the course. Actually, almost every races start with a 3’ wall jump to get into the starting box. During the run, the height of the walls may vary from 4 to 10 feet. To climb those obstacles, all participants must pull themselves to the top using their arms and legs.

Rules: You can’t use the support legs or the straps to climb over the wall, and the kicker is only available for female runners. If you’re not able to cross the barrier, you’ll have to perform the 30 mandatory burpees.



Water Trenches

Names: Water Moats, Rolling Mud, Trenches, Rolling Snow

Type of obstacle: Multiple attempts

Description: It is possible you’ll encounter large water or mud puddle to cross during your next Spartan race. Depending on the location and time of the year, you may have to conquer the Water Moats, Rolling Mud, Trenches or Rolling Snow. The Rolling Mud obstacle is a series of hills followed by a pool of water.

Rules: Beware of not skirting around the obstacle, or you may have to restart. All participants must stay within the obstacle boundaries, or they could get disqualified from the race. Also, no diving is allowed in the water.



Please note: I do not take any responsibility for an accident, disability, death, public liability, third party, medical costs, destruction of property, damages to self or others, destruction of all equipment, disability, personal liability, general liability, self-harm, suicide, harm to livestock, harm to animals, harm to children and intentional bodily harm, for using any of the listed products and suppliers. Please consult with the manufacturers and instructors, when buying the equipment that is suitable for you.

If you wish to learn more about this sport and its history, just pop me a mail and I will send the information to you: info@tanyasworldofsports.co.za

When you are ready to take on those mounts, Please take a moment and bow to people that are disabled, that cannot take part in such sports.

My views, comments and content are strictly are of my own opinion and research and are not governed or influenced by any marketing of companies or brands. It is of my own free will to mention companies and brands that supply sporting equipment pertaining to the sport in the discussion.